plans to create a complete retail marketing plan that includes an on-line mall, Retail Stores across America, Cannabis Connection Retail Stands at all A HEMP events as well as other available events and an INFOMERCIAL.

THE ON-LINE MALL will include all products relating to the Cannabis plant.  GO TO THE MALL

A HEMP plans to open RETAIL CANNABIS CONNECTION STORES across America. All Cannabis Connection Stores will include the Chronic Cafe and G.A.L.A.X.Y. High Art Gallery, Check out Galaxy for a better idea of one half of the Cannabis Connection.

A HEMP plans to use these retail establishments as a place to educate local communities. People can come sit with friends, sip some hot hemp java, listen to Acid Jazz, Check out High Art or even just buy a pipe and some hemp jeans.

Cannabis Connection Retail Stands will be at every A HEMP event. These Retail Carts will also be available to go to concerts and local events to further educate society as to the many uses of the Cannabis Plant.

The A HEMP Infomercial is the greatest way A HEMP can get the history and practicality of the Cannabis plant to the largest amount of people. Television is everywhere, and home shopping has become a raging success. A HEMP hopes to further the hemp Industry by fostering a better knowledge base for Hemp and it's many products, while providing viewers a way to purchase hemp goods in the comfort and safety of their own home. Up to now Hemp goods have only been available in "Head Shops", Mail Order and a few "Hemp Stores" across the country.

A HEMP plans to use this Infomercial as both a marketing tool and a very impactive educational program.